CEO's Message

A business is only as good as the people who belong to it, make it grow and share in its destiny. Since its founding, the company has followed this percept by securing the caliber of manpower appropriate to its need.

With the awareness that we are all members of the same family sharing the same course of destiny, our workplaces characterized by genuine humanity and loyalty based on cooperation, mutual respect and understanding, managed by a composite team of highly motivated professionals.

Advanced technology, care for the environment, managerial flexibility, careful analysis, worldwide to information and interchange of knowledge; make us capable of marching towards realization of our goals.

We are the first few people who have seen the need to go into milling of rice grain. Rice conventionally is sieved manually to buyer's requirement and packed manually and exported. Realizing the importance of accurate grading, polishing and consistent quality is the foremost requirements of international buyer, Meskay and Femtee (Private) Limited went into full-fledge milling in 1998, a wise decision that has paid the Company rich dividends.

We have eager-us to go beyond serving current needs of our customers with an eye toward the future. We will continue our efforts to produce excellent quality and provide our customers with the best service possible. Presently Meskay is one of the leading exporters in the country, thus providing customers with the best possible quality of rice produced. Our exports will continue to be a catalyst for economic growth by maintaining a cost effective, customer oriented, and efficient production system.

We have new Parboiled Rice project on 40 acres at Dhabeji has further increased the production capacity and vast storage capacity will enhance exports which will be a big contribution for the economic growth and foreign exchange in Pakistan.